VooVoo Whitepaper
Last UpdatedJanuary 2023
VOOVOO has been skilfully designed and developed in order to be an exclusively licensed and authenticated marketplace that aims to open up a highly profitable and viable stream of revenue for the most iconic brands and legendary names in sports, entertainment and culture whenever possible we look to incentivise NFTs an example of this is combining the physical with the digital . It is built on the Solana Blockchain, making it easy to scale to the masses as the Solana Blockchain fixes the problem of Scalability, Security and Decentralisation. VOOVOO is backed by a team highly experienced within business development, e-commerce, marketing and importantly have advanced knowledge of blockchain. VOOVOO’s main purpose is to push the mass adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to everyday users, ensuring VOOVOO is the first choice when creating, collecting and sharing NFT content across the internet.


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