6.91 %
Tribe Whitepaper
Last UpdatedJanuary 2023
Fei identified the capital inefficiency of crypto-collateralized stablecoins and the “mercenary capital” phenomenon as the main obstacle to designing a fully decentralized stablecoin. The former implies that more capital has to be deployed than can enter the system, which by design limits the growth potential of a system using crypto-backed stablecoins. Furthermore, coins like DAI suffer from liquidity providers always being on the hunt for the best yield and, consequently, have a limited scope of autonomy. FEI introduces the concept of product-controlled value (PCV). The Tribe DAO governing the stablecoin issued FEI at a subsidized rate for Ether at its launch to generate a pool of Ether as its treasury. Tribe then supplied a part of this ETH with freshly minted FEI in an ETH-FEI liquidity pool on Uniswap to enable trading of the stablecoin. While users can buy FEI from the Tribe DAO, they cannot sell FEI back to it but have to sell FEI on the open market. Stability is maintained through an incentive system. If the price of FEI exceeds the peg, arbitrageurs can sell ETH to the Tribe DAO and sell their FEI on Uniswap to generate a profit.


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