Liti Capital
Liti Capital
4.89 %
Liti Capital Whitepaper
Last UpdatedJanuary 2023
wLITI is an ERC-20 token that is the wrapped version of the Swiss equity token - the LITI token. Launched on June 29, 2021, the wLITI token is suitable for trading on decentralized exchanges such as Uniswap, whereas the LITI token is only available through liticapital.com and requires KYC. Liti Capital uses the blockchain to manage its share registry and developing its own case management tools on the blockchain is on its roadmap. Swiss based Liti Capital creates the wLITI at a LITI token buyer's request through its app on its website, which converts the LITI to a wLITI. The buyer is then able to trade the wLITI freely. Liti Capital does not directly sell the wLITI. The wLITI is wrapped at a 5000:1 ratio, and the two tokens will always maintain this ratio. The LITI is a true digital share of Liti Capital that has voting rights, pays dividends and is protected under Swiss law. The LITI is purposely not designed to be on exchanges at this time.


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