HAY Whitepaper
Last UpdatedJanuary 2023
Helio Protocol is a decentralized over-collateralized lending and liquid staking platform on the BNB chain. HAY is the protocol’s native destablecoin over-collateralized by BNB and is redeemable for US $1 worth of BNB. Its use cases include borrowing HAY at a collateral ratio ~152% (~66% LTV) by depositing BNB as collateral on the protocol, liquidity mining on LP DEXes, a means of payment to transfer value for goods & services. The protocol aims to be completely decentralized, and will be launching its DAO once the TGE of its governance token, HELIO, is completed. HAY is unique as it is backed by BNB, which is amongst the top L1 tokens by market capitalization in crypto. In addition, HAY offers similar elements of value (both redeemable for US $1 worth of cryptocurrency) and decentralization as predecessors such as MakerDAO, while improving on gaps such as capital efficiency and financial rewards offered, allowing users to enjoy sustainable returns on their borrowed HAY.
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