Footballcoin (XFC)
Footballcoin (XFC)
Footballcoin (XFC) Whitepaper
Last UpdatedJanuary 2023
FootballCoin is a fantasy football game that uses its own cryptocurrency, XFC coin. The main goal of FootballCoin is to bridge the worlds of football fans, fantasy sports and that of cryptocurrency and to bring the advantages of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to football manager and fantasy sports users. XFC (FootballCoin) is a digital asset acting as in-game currency. XFC is issued in a fixed and limited supply of 1 Billion on the FootballCoin BlockChain platform (a Bitcoin type algorithm blockchain). A fixed and limited number issuance of coin offers a game economy with no inflation. XFC can be used in the game to pay the entry fee in the contests, used to purchase blockchain-based cards: football player cards and stadium cards and can also be traded on exchanges.


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