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DAD Whitepaper
Last UpdatedJanuary 2023
Launched on 25/06/2018 by a team based in Singapore, DAD Chain claims to be a new generation of decentralized advertising blockchain dedicated to building the infrastructure to connect global advertisements. Through blockchain technology, the team aims to make advertising data more transparent. Through the Lightning Network, small high-frequency settlements in the advertising field may become a possibility. Through token economy incentives, each participant will become more active in maintaining healthy development within the DAD ecosystem. With a mature advertising business model, DAD has attracted investments from the likes of OGC, NEO, and DHVC. As a supernode for several blockchain programs such as Ontology, NEO, and VSYS, DAD has also joined the governance committee led by Klaytn (the brainchild of Kakao) and has partnered with members (such as Kakao, LG Electronics, Celltrion, Union Bank of the Philippines) to promote the development of a global blockchain ecosystem.


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