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Artex Whitepaper
Last UpdatedJanuary 2023
Artex is the world's first and only blockchain-based art investment platform that you can easily trade and manage your fine art investments anytime. The Artex project started on May 17, 2021 with a global team. The aim of the project is to bring together cryptocurrency investors and art lovers on the same platform, to ensure investment in tokenized artworks. First-class fine art pieces insured in line with the transparent pricing of art experts from various countries are tokenized on the blockchain in return for their insurance value. With the smart contract technology used, you can buy and sell the tokens, the supply of which is fixed, both in the pre-sale process and in the quantities you want from the works listed on the market. The working model of Artex, which has been meticulously designed in line with the views of investors, artists, auctions, and galleries and within the framework of common interests; promises to provide the liquidity, security, transparency, and easy access the sector needs by paving the way for democracy in art investments.


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