Acadex Network
Acadex Network
Acadex Network Whitepaper
Last UpdatedJanuary 2023
The credible study fulfillment based and tenable ACDX token, is a multi-chain deployed token for all educational fulfillment and study extra-curricular processes. Equipped with holders usage like trade, swap, stake, liquidity provision and rewards acquisition.  Some of the abounding benefits of the ACDX token are as follows: Learners Rewards: PoK as a first for DeFi platforms, entails that the study hours spent and excellence in completion, ploughs back the ACDX token for the learner who holds ACDX throughout the study time. These rewards are from the Academa or third-party study pool and its staggering crypto-cashback system.Student Payment Plan & Lending: Holders who collateralize ACDX for student loans or payment plan, stand to experience an interest reduction or fee slash.Fees & Payments: ACDX is fully equipped to achieve bolt fast transactions at a discounted fee, if the user has a Learners ID given by Academa. And for integrated fee payments and metaverse, transaction charges are to be the lowest contemporarily.NFT Minting: After the launch of the AcadChain, learners and creatives can facilitate NFT minting using ACDX token, at the lowest industry fees.Chain & Launch Pad: Entrepreneurs and communities who wish to collaborate with AcadLabs in floating their projects, would have to hold a certain amount of ACDX, more so, execute fee deductions.Deflationary Supply: At 1B maximum token, there would be a quarterly burn rate of 0.5%. This is to ramp up price action by exploiting scarcity.


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