Isiklar Coin
Isiklar Coin
3.52 %
Isiklar Coin Whitepaper
Last UpdatedJanuary 2023
Isiklar Holding describes itself as a multimillion-dollar public listed company in Turkey. With the ISIKC platform, it intends to offer its partners a more uniform and transparent loyalty solution offering with benefits in the form of discounts based on the volume of business generated, rather than the duration of their association with the company. The ISIKC blockchain-based loyalty platform is reportedly built by a team that understands technology and the construction materials market. Like any other blockchain-based application, the ISKIC platform is fueled by its namesake Isiklar Coin that operates under the symbol ISKIC. The partners and dealers conducting transactions with the Isiklar Group will be earning these coins every time they order goods and services from them. Based on their ISIKC coin holdings, they will get rewarded in the form of discounts on purchased materials.


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