Good Person Coin
Good Person Coin
Good Person Coin Whitepaper
Last UpdatedJanuary 2023
A mobile application has being prepared where the Physical and Personality characteristics of people can be rated: there will be Android and IOS versions. Those who are on each other's friend list will also be able to give points their personality traits (Benevolence, Honesty, Intelligence, Loyalty, Tolerance, etc.). People who do not know each other will only be able to score features based on appearance (Beauty/Handsomeness, Sexuality/Charm, Clothing, Cleanliness/Smell, Voice/Diction etc.) Messages and friendship requests can be sent with the mobile application. Or follow-up list can be created. So people will be able to widen their friendship network. Users who turned on location information at the mobile application and allowed notifications will receive mobile notifications when they are close to each other. In the calculation of the overall score, the points collected in Physical Features will be 30% effective, and the points collected with personal characteristics will be 70% effective. GPCX tokens can be earned for the collected points. Therefore, the mobile application can also be used as a Mobile Wallet. GPCX Tokens earned can be sent to friends or other wallets via the mobile application. Coins can be bought and sold on the coin exchange.
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